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We are grateful for your monetary gift in support of Self-Realization Fellowship and the 2024 SRF World Convocation. Please note that all donations are nonrefundable. Should you choose to not participate in the event, the event is canceled, or donations received exceed the cost of the event, your donation will be allocated to support SRF’s spiritual and humanitarian mission. Thank you.

Donate by Mail or Fax

If you prefer, make a general donation by completing the donation form and mail or fax to us.

Self-Realization Fellowship is a tax-exempt nonprofit religious organization recognized by the Internal Revenue Service and the California Franchise Tax Board as a public charity. Accordingly, contributions and bequests to Self-Realization Fellowship from residents of the U.S.A. are deductible to the maximum extent permitted by law for income tax and estate tax purposes.

To learn more about various SRF charitable activities/projects and for planned giving options, please click here.

Hollywood Temple Building Fund

Thank you for your gift to the Hollywood Temple and Ashram